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Wow, Jay Chou's concert... ROCKZ! hahaha... I like him! Well, this is the 1st concert in my life and it was really fun! I could only see him on TV/comp and I could hardly believe that I was seeing the real person with my own eyes last night! LOL. I didn't know there're so many chinese people around Toronto area till last night. There were so many people in the Air Canada Center and I think all tickets were sold out because many people were looking for extra tickets outside the door. Luckily I got mine quite early, three months ahead =P hehe... Great experience. Should upload pics here but my bro got all the pics and I didn't get them from him. So, I think I'll upload them later, if only I remember to do so. Haha.. And, my next goal is to watch a NBA basketball game. LOL.

Okay, today's weather is..... well, I really don't know how to describe. It's the worst I've ever seen. I know there's a winter storm on Friday but I didn't expect it to be like this, it's worse than I expected. I could barely walk when the height of the snow was like 20cm? I think now it's even higher. The wind was so strong that I couldn't even see the road. My face was hit by ice pellets with the mixture of snow and ended up looking like a huge tomato. I hate this. When I was on the way to the bus terminal, many cars couldn't even move due to high volume of snow. They were stuck in the middle of the road. I wanted to help by pushing their cars but I couldn't even stand. My sister and I reached the bus terminal at around 12:20pm after having a terrible 20 minutes-snow-walk outside, hoping to catch the bus at 12:30pm back to Waterloo. Many people waiting for buses to get home for the holidays since today is the last day of work and school for most of the people but all buses were delayed, and some even cancelled.  It's fortunate enough that our bus didn't not cancel and we manage to stay in our warm blankie! =D

Anyway, worrying bout my parents coming here on Sunday. There'll be another snow storm on Sunday. I'll be leaving Toronto heading to Florida on Monday. Hopefully it's going to be better.

P/S: wanted to take pics for winter storm but it's tooooo cold outside that just stops me from going out anymore.

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Here comes my most updated post! =P hahaha... after 'bout half year eh? lol... yea I know, such a long time! Well, many things happened in the Fall. I can say, those small little things (some of them are quite big as well) had successfully transformed me from small little girl to a big little girl! Ops, not big little girl but a mature person! =P

Anyway, today's weather is super weird! Windy in the morning, rainy afternoon and snowy evening. Now, peaceful night. What a day! Imagine this, even though you're walking in the rain, the wind is so strong that it's useless if you have an umbrella, and all of a sudden, it's not raining anymore, it's snowing! Trust me, you'll not forget and wish you would be able to experience this again! (though you're taking the risk to be blown away by the wind) haha...

Next thing, my work!! Haha.. Harvey's! I start to like my job nowadays. Not only because of the people working there, but also those tasks that I've been doing. People are cool, friendly, crazy and sometimes really helpful! Well, there are also some people not so cool that are not worth mentioning here. Hahahaha...Teamwork, that's what I'm learning =) It's easy to say but sometimes, it's hard to do. And, sometimes, you think cleaning a slicer is not hard, but it can take you up to half an hour to clean it! Change the oil of the fryers can take you up to one hour or even one and a half hour to do so. It sounds easy but it's a long process and there are so many steps to remember. My Shift Leader told me that it's worth it, because one hour can make a difference in a person's life. If we do not follow the steps properly, some people might get food poisoning. See, I still remember what my shift leader told me. Lol...Oh ya, I forgot to mention, I AM THE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH! Lol, did not expect that since there are so many people better than me out there =) Anyways, another thing that I'm learning right now, is customer service! Yea, customers are really hard to serve nowadays. They change their mind in just a second.

"Could I get a Bacon Cheese Burger Combo? With fried instead of onion rings."

"$7.51 please."

Just right before they pay, they will say,

"Could I get a Cheese Burger instead of Bacon Cheese?"

If you're the one who ring in the order, you'll have to void the entire order and fill out a void form. Isn't that super duper troublesome?

You still have to smile and reply them POLITELY,

"No problem. It's going to be $6.83 please." *SMILE*

However, there are some nice people out there as well =) They will lighten up your day if you're moody. Overall, nice people are still more than those picky, no manners and unfriendly people. Plus, sometimes you'll get free food, free fruits & free drinks. Yea, you can drink Coke, Sprite, Rootbeer, Fruitopia, as much as you want if you're on shift. Even though you're not on shift, when you see your co-workers on shift, they'll still give you a cup to get free drinks =P So basically, you don't have to pay for a drink in Terrace Food Court! Hahahahaha...

NEXT! Tutor Co-ordinator of the Accessible Learning Centre! Haha.. basically a volunteer position that help people wth disabilities on campus. My job, is to match up tutors & tutees, train tutors, involve in Awareness Week, promote tutoring program and of course, paper work in the office. Office hours are flexible, so it's still okay. People that I'm working with, are cool people as well =) They are those who give out but will never ask anything in return. Aren't they cool? I'm looking forward to the social activities before finals, Bowling and lunch at Wilf's! Order anything you want and ALL FREE!! Lol... =D

Hm, looks like everyone's busy with exams all those stuff. My exams are coming as well, better start preparing! December is going to be a busy month!


November 30th: Terrace Christmas Party

December 1st: ALC Staff Gathering at Wilf's

December 4th-16th: Exam period =(

December 18th, Jay Chou's Concert in Toronto! YEA!! Hahaha...

December 22nd-January 2nd: Family Trip in Florida + Shopping Trip!! =D Must get some winter clothing for myself!

So yea, better get back to my work now. Financial Acounting quiz on Monday! *scary*



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tagged by Qiqi


1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tag people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leave a comment, letting them know they got tagged.***

Starting time: 5:55 p.m.
Name: Carol W.
Sisters: Elder sis
Brothers: A  younger bro
Shoe size: sandals - 5 or 5.5 ; boots & sport shoes - 6
Height: 156cm (hehe..)
Where do you live: Waterloo, Ontario
Home sweet home: Sandakan
Favourite drinks: Tim Horton's Iced Cap Supreme (Brownies) & Starbucks's Caramel Frappuchino Iced Blended Coffee
Favourite breakfast: Bread with Hot Dog & Eggs

Have you ever...
Been on a plane: yup
Swam in the ocean: yup
Fallen asleep in school: yup
Broken someone's heart: yup
Fell off your chair: yup, ouch..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: well, i don't have to sit beside it coz i can put the phone next to my bed since it's a cell phone...
Saved e-mails: yup

What is your room like: big, messy, with lots of stuffed animals - dogs
What's right beside you: a cup of water, sensation & perception textbook, cellphone
What is the last thing you ate: noodles with chicken fingers

Ever had
Chicken pox: yup, when i was 2 years old i guess? my mum told me that... lol..
Sore throat: yup, of course, in February
Stitches: nope

Do you
Believe in love at first sight: don't think so... friend 1st =D
Like picnics: yup, but not during winter.. LOL

Who was the last person
You danced with: Wayne I guess?
Last made you smile: Justin
You last yelled at: Justin

Best feeling in the world: Being able to chat & spend time together with someone whom you're in love with
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yup, snoopy =)
What's under your bed: another mattress.. LOL
Who do you really hate: not anymore...

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: yup
Q: Do you want children: yup
Q: Do you smile often: don't think so, since almost everyone's telling me that i'm too cool
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: yup, it's small & cute =P
Q: Are your toenails painted: nope
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: someone that i'm close with and clean
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: brown
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: eating..
Q: I can't wait till: my parents come and the cruise trip...
Q: When did you cry last: last summer
Q: Are you a friendly person: no i don't think so, coz i'm only be friendly to people that i'm close
Q: Do you have any pets: yup, a betta fish named Little Blue

Do you sleep with the TV on? no, it wastes electric...

What are you doing right now? answering questions.. obviously

Have you ever crawled through a window? yup, i think so, always, since my body is kinda small & short

Can you handle the truth? yup, what i can't handle is a lie

Are you too forgiving? depends

Are you closer to your mother or father? mum

Who was the last person you cried in front of? Leon

How many people can you say you've really loved? lover? only 1

Do you eat healthy? i guess so?

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? yup

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? yup

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? James, coz you won't have a bad day if he's around

Are you loud or quiet most of the time? quiet nowadays.. coz other people are louder than me over here.. LOL

Are you confident? depends

5 things I was doing 10 years ago..
1- played hide & seek with my dog - Brownie, climbed trees or anything that can be climbed to hide (funny eh?)
2- burnt ants using candles, and also dried leaves at my grandma's place
3- went out when it was raining heavily outside just to feel the rain and the sound of the rain =D
4- sew clothes for my barbie dolls.. LOL
5- adventure together with nieces/nephews in the little forest which was just behind my grandma's house

5 things on my to-do list today
1- complete these Qs -.-'''
2- study sensation & perception
3- finish Itazura na Kiss anime (episode 11)
4- get a McChicken from McD (dinner)
5- sleep early

5 snacks I enjoy
1- Kit Kat
2- Meiji Hello Panda
3- Häagen-Dazs ice-cream
4- Chips (onion flavour)
5- Jelly

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1- give half billion to my parents
2- a quater for investment (stocks, bonds, etc....)
3- buy buildings and rent it
4- collect rentals to invest
5- another quarter is for a house near beach

5 places I have lived in
1- sandakan, sabah,
2- linden hall, hamilton
3- jo's house (homestay)
4- richmond square, waterloo

5 jobs I've had
1- no job experiences, only vonlunteer, but gonna have this fall =]

- END -

Wow, at last i'm done! haha... it's kinda interesting though, coz you have to think back what happened back in 10 years! haha.. lol... it's kinda fun =D

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After winter term, here comes the spring term. I'm taking one course for my intersession term, since I have nothing else to do. I should have gone back to Malaysia though. Well, I better volunteer during the summer. Anyway, I've got my G1 driving licence using my Malaysian driving licence. It's not useless after all. So now I can get my G2, which is full licence after a few driving classes. hehe... then I can  drive! (Hopefully..)

Last week I pretty much just hang out with friends since they're leaving soon. So, didn't have enough sleep and got jet lag. haha... It's really nice talking to them. You can learn a lot and know secrets. Saturday went to Toronto, watched Iron Man. It's not a bad movie, kinda interesting and funny Hm, waiting for Narnia, Prince of Caspian - May, and the Mummy - August.

Oh ya, went to a Museum in Toronto. There are some pics on Facebook if you wanna check them out.

will update soon.... bout my trip to Montreal...

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Wow, this week's weather is awesome!!! Sunny everyday, with windy condition and today, the temperature is currently 10 degree celcius! Almost everyone on the street is wearing shorts, but for me, jeans with a hoodie  (I still feel kinda hot though  ) Yeah, I love spring <-- just wanna repeat this again.

Anyway, my uni's strike is coming to an end. Today should be the last day of class, but it's gonna extend till wednesday because of the strike. I hate it, I can't attend my free Appreciate Lunch this Wednesday (which is a lunch for students who help out in Learning Services) So, I still have class on wednesday from 9.30-11.20am. Saturday is my 1st final exam - Business 121, and then next Tuesday - 2nd year Economics, Wednesday - Astronomy, next next Tuesday is Psychology. So far my schedule is not too bad, since I'm going to finish my finals on April 22nd, which is kinda early  but I'm going to take a course (May - mid June) since I have nothing to do other than volunteering at my city (which is kinda small + bored).

Hm..... should go for a movie this Saturday after the exam to relax a bit  but the movie list is not available yet. I've watched 10,000BC (really nice movie), 21 (which don't understand what they are counting), Vantage Point (which is a kinda good movie) and that's all I can remember =D Can't wait for the summer to come since there'll be lots of movie coming up! Narnia, Batman and so on! Plus, there's a new shopping street in Toronto and a shopping village which I just found it out on line , so summer is a time to explore these places! And.... there should be many festivals celebrating during the summer. There's no reason I'm going to miss it! =] Hopefully can explore Markham by chance as well .

Alright, will update soon!

P/S: Looking forward to go to Wonderland in Toronto during summer holidays! Can't wait to finish my finals!

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cwyy14 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Actually I cut my hair twice this year. Just feel like wanna cut it, just wanna have a new look maybe? Anyway, show you guys my new look.

hm... oh ya, wanna show you guys the place where i volunteer every week as math tutor too =P

Just a random pic from IMAX cinema in Toronto --> Burger King lol...

this dog is huge... and looks like a huge plushie in the pet shop... lol..

Oh ya, don't forget my little blue =D

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Yea, tomorrow is off!! well, actually it makes no difference since I have 50 minutes class on friday. so it really doesn't matter. Two more weeks then no more school already. Finals are coming. I have 5 subjects and one subject i need to review last term's materials =( Then, my uni got strike, haiz.. also don't understand why they wanna do it at this time.. those part-time instructors' contracts ended already and they wanna get new one with a fair pay, but uni doesn't wanna do that. so --> STRIKE one of my class is cancelled. the instructor refused to teach. So, i also don't know how i'm going to sit for finals.. hai.. *headache*

anyway, life in canada is pretty good + fun. Just celebrated my b'day with a gang of guys. yes, a gang of guys. lol... since i can't mix well with girls, i mean, i know girls, but just not close enough to invite them over. i think my personality makes girls hate me nowadays. lol.. oh well, whatever.

hm.. what can i add somemore? oh ya, the weather is freaking cold today.. the wind is soooo strong! almost got blown by the strong wind. I need to gain weight!! though now it should be spring but from what i got from the newspaper, winter is gonna be here for six weeks more.. i hate winter! but i love winter storm coz winter storm = no school Lol...

i'm gonna stop here now.. wanna continue to chat..

will update soon..

take care guys..

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Hey Qiqi,

it's not surprised to get an email from you before you leave!! (since you're an emo guy) haha.. I'm happy to know that I'm one of the closest friends of yours. Glad to know that I'm okay to share my feelings to you.. Feeling lucky that we're still keeping close contact even though we're so far away.. Now you're gonna start a new stage of your life in Aussie, don't forget me!!  

The internet makes the earth so small... so don't forget to take advantage of it.

Take care bro! You're awesome!

Your closest friend,

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I couldn't believe at 1st that I created a blog and planning to tell all my friends about it. It's kinda surprised to me though. Oh well, since this is one of the options to keep in touch with my friends, I'm gonna keep this blog alive!! [at least for now =P]

Anyway, i finished my class today at 10.30am. EC290 Midterm at 2.30pm in the BA102. All those flow charts are making me crazy. @_@ This weekend is gonna be tough --> 2 assignments due next Friday, then PS100 Midterm on Wed, then resume deadline, volunteer application deadline, workshops for interview and so on... I wanna get a job for summer.. I'm so desperate for jobs right now.. Argh.. it's so hard for an international student to get a job in Canada, specifically Kitchener-Waterloo.. even if you would like to volunteer and are not getting paid, you'll still need to submit your resume.

With all the reasons stated above, my valentine's day is gonna stuff up with all applications and assignments =( No chocolate for me this year...

Anyway, Reading Week is coming soon!!! YEAH!! I'm going to ski!! Looking forward.. I'm gonna get a new hairstyle again, then go to Toronto to get the cruise brochure, then shop for a day, then study for EC223 Midterm. That's my plan for reading week.

Alright then, time for me to look at those flow charts again..

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